iPod Choices

As an extra-curricular activity, you write a Hot Technology column for your school newspaper. Recently, the Algebra 1 teachers each received $500 Apple Gift cards from a successful (and grateful) graduate, and they’d like you to do a comparison of the iPod models currently available and make recommendations for each of them. Your team will be assigned to help one of these teachers.
1. Mr. Ngyun wants to buy all the latest games and he needs internet access. He also wants to upload 30 of the games he already owns from his computer.
2. Miss Landini wants to buy old blues songs to listen to while riding her bike. She also wants to upload her collection of 350 blues songs, including Muddy Waters and Janise Joplin.
3. Mrs. White wants to buy HD movies, especially comedies. She already has 16 of them to upload.
4. Mrs. Kochevsky wants to buy all the newest songs and wants to upload the 2500 pictures of her grandchildren that she has on her computer.
5. Mr. Sanchez wants to buy classic rock albums and wants internet access for Pandora.com. He also wants to upload his collection of 200 CD’s.
6. Ms. Chu wants to buy TV Shows. She already has 6 seasons of The Office (200 shows) to upload.
Do some research on the Apple site to help your assigned teacher make a good choice. Report back on how much they’ll spend and how many digital media files they can buy and load.
Click here and enter the password your teacher gave you for a step-by-step lesson to help you solve this problem.